Here Are 10 Fun Activities Families Can Do at Home This Weekend

Are you running out of ideas for weekend activities? Or maybe it’s a rainy Sunday, and you are staying indoors? Families can have fun at home, too! If you don’t want to spend too much money, we have 10 fun activities you and your loved ones can do even when you can’t go outside.

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Plan Picnic Activities

If you live in a house, why don’t you plan a nice picnic and prepare sandwiches, fruit, and fries? Put everything in a basket and set up your lawn or patio table.

You and your family will still get some fresh air while connecting with nature at home. It’s a win-win.

A Four-Square Tournament

These outdoor activities are perfect for those who have children. You need four players and a big rubber ball. What you need to do is draw a 12 x 12-foot square on your driveway and divide it into four squares—A, B, C, and D.

Each player steps on a square, and player A starts bouncing the ball in their square. Then, they need to bat it with open hands into another square. That player must hit the ball into another square. When one player misses, or the ball goes out of their square, they move to D, the players behind them advance, and everything starts again. It’s a great game, trust us.

A Garden Labyrinth

If you have a large backyard, you can outline a path with stones or unmowed grass. Look for outline examples online and follow the labyrinth. This is perfect for small children too!

A Treasure Hunt

Kids will love this! Hide little dime-store jewels and other treasures in the garden and draw a map with directions. You can even make it look authentic by letting coffee soak into the map and rip it around the edges.

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A smart idea is to hide the map in the house and let your children find it while making the bed or organizing their toys. It’s definitely one of the best weekend activities.

Cooking Is Always Fun

If it’s cold or rainy outside, cooking is always a good idea. Bake cupcakes or pies and make homemade pizza or hot chocolate with marshmallows.

We all know that kids love getting messy—it’s in their nature. Once bathtime is over, sit together and enjoy a movie or two with your freshly-made food!

Check Out the Stars

Download a star chart from the internet and set up an area in your yard where you can sit comfortably and have a clear view of the sky.

Watching the night sky change is the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air and it also leads to better sleep.

Try Magic Tricks

YouTube is full of videos showing how to do magic tricks. You can even plan a show and perform for the whole family.

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But please, practice first. We don’t want any accidents or difficult questions when you fail with a particularly tough trick.

Play Capture the Flag

This game is for six or more people. Get two pieces of different-colored fabric and cut it into flags for each player. Use flour to divide your yard into two 12 x 12-foot courts. Divide into two teams. ¡

Each person must place a flag on the back line of their court. Then, rush to the opposite side of the field and try to pick up one of the other team’s flags. If a player is tagged, they’re out. However, if they capture a flag, they can return to their court. The first team to capture all of the opposing player’s flags wins.

Have a Taste Test

If there’s a cuisine your kids have never tried, now is the perfect time for a taste test.

Choose a random country from a map and read more about its traditional dishes. Then, make one at home for lunch or dinner—for example, Gazpacho or Croque Monsieur.

Go Camping Inside

It may sound impossible, but it’s actually not. Going camping at home is so much fun! Use lots of blankets, pillows, and sheets to set up a nice “camping” area, make some hot chocolate, hot dogs, and s’mores, and tell each other ghost stories.

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Turn off the lights and add some candles to get that “around the campfire” atmosphere too. You can also play camp-themed games and sing camp songs.